Wednesday, November 22, 2006


bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored BORED!

yup. im EXTREMELY bored now. i'll usually Blog at my own blog oni n nOt the kls blog oR my clique's blog. so if i start blogging hEre or there means im EXTREMELY boreD. any nice movies lately? hmm.. wat aBt a kls Outing? can eitheR of the evEnt organisers plan a kls outing? hee. hmm.. any suggestions? how come our kls blog so Dead de.. is it cos of the dead lamB? ask shihua gO find one skin wif a live lamb next time so this blog wont die. boRed. sianEss. lalalala.. oh yeah. some of u wanteD the comic thing again. But our kls din dO alot of things togetheR alr leh.. how to havE kls comic? pae tt time got alot of outings so can. now? stuDy study study. so lifeless. where was i? oh yeah. i was tinking of not having a comic But sOmething memoRable tt everyonE can kip. not this yr la. next yr. but havent tink of wat yet. sianess. bb! gg to blog at another blog. n another. deaD :)

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